Monday, September 12, 2011

How to Stop Your Rug From Sliding Around, What I've Learned in 17 Years Right Away With Speed Read Sleep Learning A Magazine under My Pillow!

I have a real smart neighbor and she would say she'd tried to tame her rugs with spray on adhesive. Rug traction devices for the edges may not work for floppy rugs since they would just flip the edge up as you "trip over them a bit". I tried the floor rug protectors that are transparent and cheap with the small spikes underneath, they are cheap but dirt gets under them easily so they look much worse than a beautious rug. I also tried duct tape in small loops. This would sort of work but not really since some of the adhesive would get in my rug if it was strong enough adhesion and if not it was of no worth. Often like the adhesive you spray on it adheres more to the dirt and dust than the rug by a middle layer of dust, this is then tougher to remove from the rug you want to protect, realtors are cool, mine is the lady you see driving her RV to work!

After about 15 years of searching I stumble upon the internet; there my zoom reads in higher res about using the rug protectors under the rug, cut to fit, and then using two sided rug tape in the x formation. The problem here is that if you want to wash your rugs you have to remove the tape, so the tape is an ongoing expense. Another problem here is the height of the rug protectors, making your rug rise even up to an inch which may be easier to trip over. A third objection here is about dust that gets under the rug protector, grinding the dirt into your wall to wall rug. I would ask, " how did so much dirt make it under my bed? I must have been aware and alert to add in the dirt under my bed while I was asleep"..

My own solution; buy some cheap thin and heavy welcome mat type rugs to fit with their width the narrow side of your larger rugs ect. You can be sure the welcome rugs are a bit smaller than your shield rugs but you can cut to fit. Cutting is more of a labor with larger shears, so buying to fit is best for me.

Punch 4 holes in both rugs two top two bottom at one corner after aligning them up, straight through for two holes by one awl or something like a narrow screwdriver. You want to make the holes so small they don't show on top.

Take some narrow wire or a shoelace of the right color for blending in best and loop through both holes on top and bottom (the end up the shoelace works well for sewing, like how you tie your shoe) and then tie them with several knots. I like shag rugs for this since the loop doesn't show at all, making the loop closer together or where on the rug the color of the loop matches best is helpful.

Repeat for other corners and you're through. This is much easier than a gravity spray bottle, and unlike with tape, you don't have to keep paying on and on, VIVA 1776 London! No dirt is beneath or much reduced. To wash just untie the loop, though I like to wash with just a towel, it washes with deep cleansing like just with water or vino and baking soda great for removing dander. This uses little moisture and the rest is easily dried with the rest of the towel, good exercise too. Machine washiong wears out your rug a lot faster and you don't have to wait much for your rug to dry. Make sure your rug is with no bleeding before you use any cleanser. All this is with the goal in mind of saving the big rug by Reduced Use. I jump from rug to rug and don't grind in the dirt with water so all that's on the big rug is falling dust, this is easy to hoover up, looks like celebration junction, with a great FM station! Unlike the rug protector method (with the two sided tape) you can use gravity even on smooth floors, and the rug shields are good to add lots of color to the room.This method saves a fortune on rug cleaners and rent, and imagine my suprise when the boss shows up, she got a good laugh when I told her my computer shelf looked so good because I never used it and my kitchen was clean because I was eating out of a jug with just a few spoons and burner shields on my stove and so on. Click here for Complete Reduced Use Method to save you years cleaning. My mom says there's dirt I wouldn't believe otherwise.If dirt is a superfluid, dirt flows uphill into the rain and then flows to help the ecology. Though we can't live without dirt, are we rich in ore!

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