Thursday, February 03, 2005


"What's Olive Oil Good For?" "What's Olive Oil not Good For?" If olive oil is so good imagine it times 10 or times 100. Many tissues of plants have many highly unique advantages or disadvantages, for example the leaves of rhubarb are poisonous, the stems are not, the leaves of tomatoes are poisonous and apple seeds contain cyanide, a deadly poison even though other parts of the plant are of worth. Olive Leaf extract, "unlike the merely amazing olive" is now being considered by many to be perhaps the most amazing herb find in the history of medicine! Why is this?

Consider how it works;

Inflammation (e.g. "Prostatitis", Sinusitis")

Olive Leaf Extract is strongly antibacterial, and extremely antioxidant. What sets Olive Leaf Extract apart from most other antibacterials/immune boosters is about circulation, Olive Leaf is not just inter-cellular it's intracellular, so small it can irreversibly stop viral replication. One major problem with almost all other immune boosters or antibacterials is that they operate by circulation of blood. When the circulation itself is restricted as in sinusitis or prostatitis, other immune boosters may be powerless to reach into the inflamed tissue and cleanse it out. Because Olive Leaf extract goes right through the cell wall, it doesn't rely on just circulation, it uses the more fundamental process of cell respiration to deeply penetrate the tissue, reaching where there is often no other way to cleanse other than by operations or other high priced compounds not yet seen. In addtion to dissolving the cell wall of bacteria, it sets up a molecular barrier like a web that limits them here too while leaving the cells of your own body unharmed or improved. If you have sinusitis or prostatitis, you may want to consider Olive Leaf Extract for this reason because the inflammation can cause severe pain that no operation or other method can solve. It may take 6 months to see improvement for prostatitis, but this is 6 to 12 times faster than a herb like saw palmetto and much cheaper than a perscription like Flomax, without side affects. If you see some of the lawsuits against some of the giant pharmaceuticals where they have lied that their perscription was better for more money when they knew it wasn't it seems better to put less trust here and more in evolution. Perscription drugs are how doctors kill the most people each year, far more than any other cause in health care.


Some think Olive Leaf Extract may be a cure for the main symptoms of CFS, an illness of immune problems and extreme fatigue. By this interpretation, the fatigue epidemic doctors and nurses report may be solved or much improved by Olive Leaf because it stops the virus now thought to cause CFS, HHV-6. 90% of people in the US have HHV-6 antibodies or the signs of HHV-6. The Herpes virus HHV-6 is the antigen, the antibodies are your immune system's onsite defenders that are proof of the inflammation that causes fatigue. Many people with CFS report dramatic improvement. Olive Leaf stops Malaria, Polio 1 and Polio 2 by way of it's antiviral powers, and may be a cure for the common cold, this is important since the epidemic with the highest mortality in history was the influenza epidemic of the early 1900's. Olive Leaf stops many other types of viruses. It seems custom made for CFS, curing not just one of the main causes, the viral load often seen with CFS at 10,000 times higher than no CFS persons, it's also strong to help stop all the types of inflammations common to CFS by dissolving the cell wall of the bacteria without any harm to the cellular machinery.

Olive Leaf extract doesn't stop there. It lowers bad cholesterol 37%, increases blood flow around and strengthens the heart, lowers blood pressure, lowers blood sugar and increases general feelings of well being, and by way of it's immune boosting power it may be a stronger defense against cancer and many other illnesses. particularly combined with MSM (a sulfur compound found in all cells of life much boosts absorption of the Olive Leaf extract or any other herb even more, and has a list of advantages as great as Olive Leaf neither without any side effects ever found at any low dose. MSM is being processed out of our foods by modern methods.)

Not only this, olive leaf just costs 3$ to 6$ a month (on sale now at Swanson Vitamins online) and has never shown any side effects even at 100s of times the recommended dose. (There may be a bit more fatigue, headaches and other symptoms at first while the Olive Leaf starts, this is known as Herxheimer's Reaction and is proof it's working as the bad life is being removed from your body, most people don't have the Herxheimer Reaction with Olive Leaf. If so just lower the dose, this is better than discontinuing the dose and restarting because you may lose your progress. Take olive leaf Extract with food and water to stop nausea.)



The Olive Leaf was munched on by animals, and was boosted in fitness by being trimmed so it would grow well. Why was being trimmed good for the Olive in evolutions Garden of Eden? There was exercise here too. Forest fires trim trees so the forest is not overcrowded and the trees are stronger, just as to run from bears or labor for the boss is good exercise and the olive tree believed working for the boss was what had to be achieved. Why not make use of this and use the trim to be strong, why not say thanks to the boss, thanks Mr. Bear! He's doing you a favor by making you strong actually. So, the olive leaf praised the world's nicest boss, you and me by the evolution of all these defenses for animals who munched on them. The Olive Tree got trimmed, the animals who munched on the branch survived more often and returned for more, in this cycle of trimming and fitness of the machine of evolution over millions of years. The Olive had already evolved fitness to defend against fungus, bacteria and viruses perhaps more than other plants, so since the cells of both the Olive and munching animals were much alike, the many advantages were just a stones throw to boost the booze and youze with evolution's cyber powers. A loaf of Bread, a Jug of Wine and Thousands of Millenia of Evolution Via...


With all the razzmatazz and hype about olive leaf, keep in mind that, like progesterone and herbs like thyme or rosemary, it may not be perfect. In essence, it's still an experimental substance. It's only been in use in it's present form for 24 months this is Feb 2009.). In the history of health supplements many of the same things are being claimed for Olive Leaf Extract that were claimed for progesterone and thuja (the active ingredient of thyme and other herbs of its type). Like olive leaf, thuja and progesterone have a list of about thirty health advantages, many of them the same. The problem may be that like thuja and progesterone, Olive Leaf may cause something like cancer. You may say, cancer? Isn't this just what olive leaf extract is supposed to cure? This is what progesterone was claimed to control but, like most hormones, it was later found that it actually does cause cancer. Even when progesterone is stopped, the risk of cancer stays as much elevated as the last day of progesterone supplementation. The risk of long term harmful side effects for pharmaceuticals that only show up in months or years is about 5%. If the number of deaths a year from prescription drugs is about 500,000 while the number of deaths from supplements like herbs is perhaps 50 people, it would seem that the risk of a repeat of what has happened with progesterone and thuja would be small. Actually most of the deaths by the prescription drugs were caused by doctors clumsy use of the drugs, not if they were perscribed wisely, so the distinction between herbs and prescriptions may not be so sharp. On the one hand, any risk of the horrors of hormone therapy causing cancer wouldn't seem worth it with progesterone or thuja (as well as the problem of insanity that was found to go with thuja). It may seem that natural herbs are mostly benign and this is not a consideration, but hemlock which was used to kill Socrates and many "natural" herbs are harmful or deadly. The reason I consider caution to be exercised for the time being till more evidence is available with even Olive Leaf Extract is because of this and also because when Olive Leaf was first used in the early 1800's up to the 1970s it was always in its natural form that bound well with blood albumen and didn't have the power to directly work it's wonders by being more directly involved, it worked well in vitro but not in vivo. This seems like progesterone that was heralded to be a panacea. Actually, like progesterone, the body may not recognize a herb like Olive Leaf Extract is harmful till it's too late, just because it is "natural" and is so common in all the cells of the body, with the body unaware. The body has fewer defenses especially from internal threats that are harmful but that seem natural. It's possible Olive leaf Extract may be natural enough to be unharmed by the body and unnatural enough to cause harm. For this reason I think it's wise to use Olive Leaf Extract at the lowest possible dose and for the shortest time possible till it's proven more safe. In truth perhaps a third of evolutions herbs may be harmful to life. Natural pesticides are perhaps 10,000 as toxic as man made pesticides. More may not be better even as good as Olive Leaf Extract may be. There have been many times when natural substances were found safe, and many times when they were harmful, if olive leaf cures you of ill health and makes you a rich millionaire, even so this may be enough! I think Olive Leaf extract may be without harm, I've had no problem with OLE, but like all untried herbs, for the time being, caution is still advised even if with cautious optimism. I've had no problem with it, with the vino jug it was booze while even so I washed no Pepsi from a jug of mouth rinse!