Monday, April 04, 2005


..Exercise can make you strong enough to stretch, and saves me a lot of lunch money. It’s a civilization all of it’s own high culture, complete with jug bands. How to exercise, how to remember how much to exercise and when? On this post I’ll share some tips and tricks so you can lose weight, and improve your strength, plus all the other advantages of exercise. The American Arthritis Association says almost everyone will benefit at least somewhat from exercise.


First consider that in order to exercise millions are in need of fitness. There are a multitudes who can't think they get fit to exercise, as with the old saying that 21st century research proves that if you’re weary and you exercise this will give you more energy, which theoretically will then give you more exercise power. Like with The Price is Right, with many it's more complex than this. They used to say we just use 10% of our brain, and that it's been proven in 2008 that this was a goof, many use 97 % of brain power just saving heat in the shower and this is just in March! Millions of people aren’t exercising, and if they’re smart enough to try exercise once in a while just on the outside chance this were true about more power via more exercise they would be. Actually other research finds that just 3% of US in the us exercise. Obviously if most got more from exercise than they put in, they would be smart enough to know why they were winning. I myself tried exercise for months with hopes the heath biz was right and got more weary not less. Even so I continued and found that if I walk first at moderate speed to warm up in about 10 minutes to where it's comfortable to move and then started slowly with moderate or light weights within the range of comfort, in alternation with higher speed nonweight bearing exercises for my heart (e.g. windmills) and then just continued the alternation at higher speed and heavier weights with higher speed and heavier weights each time the reach of the given speed and weights were comfortable at that range, It's not a bit uncomfortable. The trick here I found after much labor is that I couldn't stay with 3 hours of exercise a day just to warm up, instead by just walking a few and with moderate weights and reduced range of motion and so on, it just takes like 30 to 45 minutes. Other than the first 3 to 5 days when I was sore, mostly it's not unconfortable.

You may hear about these jokes about pills for strength, and now they have them! No they aren't vitamin jugs that look like a rowing machine! On the one hand they have ACTIVIVE that has no side effects, it has all 10 of the super sugars, and is actually good for you, it reverses enzyme deficiency and fatigue that many have. Atheletes are taking Activive and it’s even used to treat CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, an illness of severe fatigue. Thus to exercise if you have fatigue, the first step may be to try Activive for energy,
CLICK HERE FOR MORE). See my disclaimer. Because of the relatively high cost of Activive you can take a smaller dose of Activive dermally on your legs. (Your legs are mother of circulation weariness because you carry the load of circulation the most on your legs, and it's not real evolved because we walked upright late in evolution). The good news about Activive is it boosts other herbs for energy so much by improving circulation and relaxing tense contracted muscle the blood can circulate and the circulation is smoothed out, so a much smaller dose is all that’s necessary if taken with other cheaper herbs. This is for all the energy you may want or need if you're in moderately good health including more than enough for exercise without weariness.


OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT. While it's not yet completely proven many think it may be a cure for the severe fatigue of CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It cures the virus that causes fatigue in almost 100% of the population, is cleansing by dissolving the bacterial cell wall, and costs just 5 dollars a month with no side effects even at 100's of times the recommended dose.

SIBERIAN GINSENG (Eleuthro) It’s an energy boost, but it’s more edgy without ACTIVIVE to smooth it out. And also be sure to take it at the exact same time by a loud alarm AM and PM to also make it less a strain on your body. Gradual increase of the dose up to optimal standard dose is recommended because it’s powerful, yes it does boost your fitness but it's a bit stressfull like coffee to go off of for about 10 days or so. (If this timing schedule is not for you, you can try all the other herbs and exercise methods listed here.)

PANAX GINSENG Red Korean Ginseng, (Like Ginsana you see on the banks of the shelves of contenental stores like CVS or Rite Aid!) A totally unrelated species to Eleuthro. Even so like euleuthro, and other "adaptogens" it’s good for the body in many ways like endurance while causing no harm to the body. Both types of ginseng are considered to be among the safest of all herbs known. Panax improves oxygen metabolism, and speed of reflexes without edginess. Unlike eleuthro you can change the dose more during the day (after exercise) if you find you want more energy without edginess, so it’s more of worth to fine tune your level of energy after you take the main AM dose when you awake..If you have or develop high blood pressure or any other unexplained side effects, discontinue ginseng.

LEG CLEANSERS LIKE DIOSVEIN As I say the mother of weariness is poor leg circulation. At the least if you’re tired you want to cleanse out your legs once a week or more often. Diosvein is a compound extracted from orange peel that’s a real cleanser without raising blood pressure, taken with vitamin C it’s even more so. Like the two ginsengs and ACTIVIVE it’s considered to be extremely safe but some sites say it’s bad for blood sugar and others say its good, so just to be on the safe side I take a much smaller dose than recommended on the bottle. Please see

Diosvein is so powerful even a small dose is good enough to cleanse your legs. You can buy it online at
Swanson Vitamins. Another option for leg cleansing to boost energy are other herbs you see in leg cleansing formulas, also on the Swanson Vitamin Site, and so on.

Why Coconut Oil?

This oil, Or Choco Oil as I name my pet chia pet "Chia" is good for low thyroid which perhaps a fourth of Americans have, low thyroid has many of the symptoms of depression or even severe depression, improving low thyroid can improve a whole constellation of anxietys, may the stars and the force be with you. Choco Oil is also one of the best antinflammatorys I’ve seen out of perhaps 35, it reduces low level inflammations that have been linked to many types of illness, and in addition it may be as good for cardiovascular health as fish oil. (Fish oil has been found in healthy persons to reduce any risk of heart problems by 80%).


This has been found to reduce Fatigue like even the severe problems of CFS Chronic Fatigue syndrome by as much as 80%. ALSO great for Heart health.


B Vitamins convert food to energy. Bee vitamins in bee bread the most and C vitamins are good for vision? Well who knows? For energy conversion at any rate most adults have problems because we need enzymes which are being depleted in our food to digest food. As we age we have reduced enzymes. (See ACTIVIVE above) It takes a major fraction of our bodies energy just to digest food. This is why an old person is knocked down just be eating lunch, and the children are running around. If it takes horsepower to blend food just mechanically in a blendor, imagine how much it takes to completely digest it to the molecular and atomic level. Exercise depletes B vitamins. When you exercise you lose a good number of vitamins and minerals, and a banana is enough to restore all the nutrients lost, so goes the biz. You need a B complex vitamin too because just one B vitamin is not complete like in evolution’s own breadbox. If you still feel tired with a B 50 Try the B100, you may feel a bit of nausea for a day or two. This is temporary. B vitamins are an important energy boost, with more health uses than any other vitamin. Taking just the B 50 gives you about a third the energy of the B 100. Choline is a B vitamin that's a natural non edgy stimulant. I take two because this is the dose recommended on the Centrum Performance (energy boost vitamin) jug. B vitamin complex tabs are easy to find in any store like K Mart or the pharmacy. And for vitamins you can take WAIT FOR IT WAIT FOR IT!..

"Centrum Performance Vitamins"

This is alright if you have no kidney issues. Lots of people may and via the magnesium oxide in this vitamin (worthless magnesium the Centrum Company may have added for a more solid image, or the more innocent reason that it’s just harmful to the fewer numbers with kidney woes). Even so for most this formula you can get cheap (about 14) may be a real energy option. Just to be on the safe side, try a bit more and see how you feel, if a cushion is cozy, so lifes a beach.

If you can’t take the Centrum and want the energy vitamins listed on the jug in addition to the B vitamins in the complete list they are


Vitamin E


Vitamin C

These are the four most important Centrum antioxidants, good for energy to the cellular level, not just digestion of food like the B vitamins

The Centrum Energy herbs (energy for body and mind) are, (as above)

Panax Ginseng

and Ginko


Ribose is a sugar that creates ATP, the main power molecule of the body, produced in the mighty mitochondria. Taking ATP in the wimpy dose like a gram in some suppliments is worthless because the heart alone uses 14 lbs of ATP a day. The ribose synthesises a lot more ATP from the a small amount of the ribose, so it’s viable. Ribose is not for those with blood sugar problems, but this is not yet completely proven.

Finally about your baseline energy you may ask, why are so many people tired with 99% of patients reporting fatigue to doctors? I believe this relates to conversational distractions ("noise"). 75 % of Americans live in the urban areas. All the noise is distracting, conversational distractions are proven to reduce efficiency by 50 to 80 % on the job. This wouldn't be found in evolution because it would hardly have been a survival advantage. Distraction isn't natural and wasn't with us then, it may be what causes the weary brain so many have. This would be the behavioural equivalent of increased Competition and reduced Resources, by way of the idea of reduced room for urban dwellers with overpopulation. The behaviour parallels and would seem to be much the same as the physical loss of room for most of the people, tough to live without. Click Here for My Complete Causology of OVERCROWDING, EVOLUTION, AND IT'S HISTORICAL INFLUENCE. Even so the GOOD NEWS with all the urbane noise it's true that silence is golden, and the truth abounds in quiet places, even with all the noise they now have headsets that reduce the noise by 97% (digital antinoise) the price is 400$ here in 11 08 but it may be lower in some months. Another option is to move out to the country, or the suburbs where research shows you are most in good health.

With all the options above you may boost your energy 10 billion percent or more!

So, good, you have your energy to exercise if needed, here’s how to exercise;



Though the above about the herbs and vitamins may be enough for anyone in moderate to good health to boost energy including atheletes, what I discuss here about exercise is not so much for the marathon swimmer who weight lifts (for real!) as for the majority of us who often want to find viable ways to exercise at least enough to lose weight and stay young 24,000 months when you breathe all the abc's in a college volume of math!


No doubt, before starting and diet or exercise plan, consult your health care practitioner. And just think of me and how I must feel with this Caution! (
disclaimer for you..) To avoid accidents and fatigue, begin exercise training at a level somewhat above your level "on whensday".. Boost Force, Duration, and Rep time of the weight lifted gradually. It takes 4 to 8 weeks for a healthy person to achieve fitness from low to high levels. Work done per hour of exercise determines the worth of fitness you achieve.


This is the fancy term for muscle soreness. You may read how anyone with much fitness has lots of this. In all my ten years of exercise, the only problem I’ve had was just for perhaps five days at the start, except when I would quit like for the Christmas high speed action and no more, this may be a problem for marathon runners but it may not be for moderate fitness, and moderate exercise is the most of worth for aerobic and other health. Too much or no exercise can be harmful, at other times of the month! At long last there's finally a way to solve most of the DOMS, Activive on your legs saving money too, as I say on my CFS page..

Sometimes even the best of exercise we find is not achieved and then we return and exercise a bit much or we have to work a lot for the worth of business, causing Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, DOMS. Fitness experts recommended to rest 48 hours and let your muscle heal, this is how new muscle is created. Both the exercise and rest perhaps with DOMS are needed or your muscles are damaged. I find minimum or not much DOMS with regular workouts, even so it's not for many that uncommon to have DOMS like after Xmas when lots of us are busy in many realms. The best way to recondition with Activive combined may be to just take one set of muscles like your legs and only start with perhaps 15 minutes of heavier exercise, then while in conditioning do perhaps 5 days of lighter exercise like walking and stretching, then resume the heavy exercise, till you legs are conditioned. Then repeat this process with your arms. While this doesn't stop muscle soreness like Activive by only exercising half of your muscles and just for say 15 minutes it minimizes the discomfort while you wait. After the 10 day conditioning phase keep on mind, you'll feel great if you also use the cleansing exercises (see STANDING SITTING EXERCISES, above on this page).

For relief from muscle soreness while your muscles are conditioning Olive Leaf Extract is also of value, Click Here. Olive Leaf extract is a herb with almost miraculous properties and when combined with MSM (a solvent which means MSM carries all sorts of compounds across barriers like skin or other tissue) MSM makes the Olive Leaf Extract much more powerful for high speed relief from DOMS. Is DOMS the opposite of DMSO? No, well researched MSM is! MSM may be like DMSO without all the terrible side effects of this industrial grade solvent, it's been found to cause permanent contraction of the bladder muscle and damage to the eye. MSM is made from DMSO. A good way to no have soreness is just to stay in shape and not over exercise Activive with moderrate exercise is better. This would be how evolution would have planned it, so we weren't in pain so much it would reduce out survival, even so you may find (liquid not the powder)Activive MSM and Olive Leaf Extract worth saving you from 3 days of pain once in a while. You can get MSM from stores like CVS pharmacy, More About Olive Leaf Extract..


You may see you are more energised during your workout if you perhaps start with exercise such as slow then higher paced walking. After this warmup, try alternating sitting with standing exercises. This is more relaxing to your circulation power. It takes more energy to stand than to sit and more to sit than lie down. With the reduced labor you can use more of your power to build up more muscles while improving your circulation. A smile is not just a frown upside down, you are cleansing your circulation all around. More than one position is essentially more than one set of muscles. The cleansing muscles due to the one way valves that move your circulation in return to your heart not found in other muscles are your lower leg and lower arm muscles, "your second heart". When you get weary standing, you can continue without rest if you sit and exercise, a good lower power cleansing exercise e.g. when you're conditioning (getting your muscles fit at the start and you're sore) for your legs is to sit on the bed or chair and stretch foreward to feet with your arms, stretching the muscles of your upper legs while sitting, this is easier to cleanse your legs than standing up. When you exercise you may often be tired for hours in your legs "even if your legs feel fine" if you don't cleanse them by exercises like this too, by alternating positions with more cleansing, this is not the same as just doing standing exercises alone, it reduces fatigue and makes it so you can exercise in comfort where otherwise you couldn't.. Then when you’re a bit tired sitting you can go back to more refreshing walking or other exercises, and then return to sitting or sideways.

If you're like me and doing heavy pack lifts with my legs you may find it makes your legs sore after about say 8 lifts. A simple way to cleanse out your legs is by flexing your calves by spreading your legs while you stand and lifting the pack above your head, first with both legs and arms and then with arms above (in general a vertical lift with weights is best to start with to allow your arms time to build up, a good graduated arm lift is with weights lifted with support like the arms of a chair). There are only one way valves to the heart in the veins of the lower legs and the lower arms, the muscles there are the only cleansing muscles of the arms and legs. When you're doing heavy lifts with the pack it takes more of a flex of the lower leg muscles to cleanse them out. Thus, like the old adage the more you work out the more energy you get is true if your muscles are already conditioned. This use of the heavy pack lifts both for the exercise itself and the cleansing too makes it so you can go past the break even fitness level and you get more for the same workout at first just some then perhaps bocoups, like a profit and loss statement if you're doing better than breaking even and building up fitness and cleansing the toxology so you exercise in comfort and strength. Cleansing exercises may make the main distinction between your fitness or the lack of fitness.

A good cleansing exercise for the arms (after e.g. pushups) is to face away from the kitchen counter with your arms to the side and on the edge of the counter. Bend your knees downward while you flex your elbows and also grip the counter in and out with your hands (out like on the lower cabinet door inside). The gripping is important because it cleanses better. This exercise can be done at high speed.


Stretching Out While In Your Warmup

They’re finding this is not of worth before a workout. Who stretched in the evolution for millions of years before being chased by an elephant, "Wait a minute before you chase us, the marm always says to stretch before yoga!"

Stretching wouldn’t have had a survival advantage, on the other hand, fire was of worth. A fire exercise of mine is where you light a bit of wood and boost it with care up to a roaring flame. My workouts are like this. I exercise with slower, short motions, then longer and or faster motions, perhaps with or without weights, them more and/or longer and/or faster motions with heavier weights and so on, like lighting a small fire and building up from within. Another way of looking at this is that your muscles are like wax, if solid there is not much circulation, but if you move them and heat them gradually step by step, melt a little, move more, melt more yet, move more yet, eventually in say 30 minutes you move so fast and strong you can do your stronger exercises. First I stretch then flex then stretch more, in cycles, and so on, often after I let the stretched and flexed muscles rest awhile by flexing other muscles, like alternation of standing and sitting. The advantage is that many people will be out of reach of the heavy exercises without first building up their joints and circulation with each workout so it’s not so uncomfortable they can’t do it. (It often takes me 30 minutes to an hour to reach the heavy fast exercise without discomfort.) This about comfort mostly at all times is a mistake millions who don’t know how to diet and exercise make like about conditioning (in the above) this lack of comfort that many associate with workouts is not true or in evolution we would have been so hurt we would have gotten ill. CLICK HERE, WHERE ELSE! for my complete

EVOLUTION AS LIFE causology. Evolution has made it so like with memory where there is scientific proof we are the most able when we’re somewhat uncomfortable. Being a bit uncomfortable when you exercise is good, life is good exercise!

Keep in mind that too much or too little exercise is harmful, and it’s good not to compare your fitness level to others. Light weight bearing exercise and some heavier exercise are best, more heavy exercise has just somewhat more fitness boost, like how it takes 60 calories in 10 minutes to walk and just 70 calories to mow the lawn. Even so weight bearing exercise like lifting just a small jug of milk is one of the few or the only known way to increase bone density, you gain the same amount of bone you would otherwise lose by bone jarring and bweight bearing exercise. An easy way to always jar your leg bones lift your heels and then slam them down with each lift of the weight.

Exercise of more than about 50 minutes of fast walking or 300 calories a day is the break even point for weight loss, all exercise past 50 minutes goes to weight loss if your calories are low. Even so you want to stay in moderation.

If you cut your fat and sugar to below 55 grams each (think of sugar as fat) and exercise more than 50 minutes a day you’ll lose weight. Say you eat 25 grams of fat and 25 grams of sugar and exercise not 50 minutes but an hour and a half of fast walking and other higher speed low impact, non stressful exercise. This burns about 60 calories/10 minutes, so in the extra 40 minutes you’ll lose 240 calories, or around an ounce (or more with lower fat and sugar) that day. All without much strain just as evolution designed us. If you know you’re dieting, you’re doing it wrong! You should be in complete free fall, no discomfort, no hype, I’ll lose all my weight in orbit! My life path is a boost!

Starvation is worthless to lose weight as evolution would say, you just return to the weight you were, so merely reducing fat, sugar, and exercising is best, these don't cause discomfort, no pain, cyber brain.

About workouts an hour and 45 for me is too much and it’s so much so I often gain back some of the weight. I think of it not how I feel when exercising, which is like when in macho mode; rather the idea of exercise as a bite or a slice of life. Too much and you’ll be too strained and it hurts your diet more than helps. An hour and a half or an hour and 45 minutes is more optimal.


They say to ruin an afternoon, just use an appointment at about say 22 hundred hours. If you think a lot about exercise, this reduces your chances of staying with it, so you want to have savvy about your time without having to check your watch so frequently you think it’s dumb. A way to time the hour and a half is to take strips of heavy paper or polyvynl and beside your unplugged in wall clock with the hours and hands, mark the hours from say 1 to 6 on one side and 7 to 12 on the other. You can tape the strips on both sides of the clock. I use the door frames. When I wake up to exercise in the AM I look up on the clock and then use clips on the strips, (big for hour small for minute). You can also use clips of other types to time events like washing laundry while you combine other activities with exercise for more efficiency. This way I always know just how I’ve been in the marathon, and just how many 100 mph you were when you passed that business airship in your sock powered helicopter! It’s good to also move the clip ahead say 5 if you stop for five minutes say to eat. The total time is the same you’ve worked out when you finish without the 5 minutes. To make sure I have lots of chances to remember to exercise all day, I just exercise in 10 or more minute standard units, this makes the exercise more like in evolution because I would often find myself thinking of other things and stop the workout and lose track of how much I had exercised. If you feel more like 20 minutes you can record this with the clip in the standard 10 minute units.


Its recommended by experts to take at least one day a week off from all exercise (light walking may be alright). And one day of heavy alternating with one day of light exercise. It’s easy to forget when you exercised, so like the clippety clock motif above (See Timing Your Labors of Life) a good timer for days is to mark the days of the week on say the edge of a picture in the kitchen, then use clips on it to mark the days. I use labels on the clip and or foil stars, red for heavy exercise days green for light, and gold when the day is of rest, and so on. Adhesive tape timer markers instead of clips will run out of adhesion, so clips with like foil stars on them are like a sticker that won’t wear out with the clips. Another method to keep track of exercise and other cycles like appointments, when food or money runs out, ect. is to mark jug lids like juice jugs with a sharp permanent marker all the way around and then I just use a clip on the side to mark the day, or ect. and the name of it. I have an entire wires worth of these because I punched a hole in each and lined them up well, all the cycles are easy to find and keep track of and I read them and edit to make sure I'm not overlooking my cycles of worth. This saves bootup time no cost like 100 dollars worth of batteries in 10 years or 100 for the machine. It's faster to access and will never melt down. And it's portable and fits right in a box or shelf.


Experts say it’s of real value to take a week off from all exercise about every 8 10 weeks. You only lose muscle after four weeks of deconditioning, so taking a week off won’t cause any muscle atrophy. The overall advantage of rest is great and you’ll be advancing more than if you exercised without rest. Don’t understimate it. Your brain will be boosted by the rest. To time this rest, just mark it on your month planner or where your cyber brain will see that you are wiser.


Like dieting hype, there is value in reducing it’s equivalent with exercise. One good way is to watch TV while you exercise (Zapping all Food commercials and hiding the scale, and so on has been found to be good for diets). The low information content of live TV (no sound) is distracting from other activities so I don't remember to do other non exercise stuff like read, and exercise in the AM is good so you're refreshed and don't think of other unimportant stuff, labor has its hour and so does mom. Reading health and fitness magazines is a goood way to remember too, you can get free subscriptions to health magazines like Energy Times. Another good way to boost your efficiency is to exercise clean, you end up more fit and with a cleaner environment, good for your den if in the MGM roar! See header at top of Site to find where Exercise Cleaning is listed (or click link on left).

It’s been well established that when you are building up more then just conditioning, by changing your workouts in more random ways it boosts fitness as much as 37%. If you don’t want to exercise all the way to the fitness club for 1000 an hour and shell out more for the advice of a yoga web guru, you can make a memo pad of line drawings of your labors, and custom build your exercise program to boost your labors. If you’ve done too many pushups say and want to build up your wife, look in your list, and lift her just right! CLICK HERE Click Here For Exercise Memo Plan to Boost Your Life.

Another good way to custom engineer your fitness program is to use an A to Z index and research on the web and just cut and paste in from the web or type in your own conclusions about the best exercises just for you from the web. You learn as you go and have high quality advice just for you without a bootup. This innovation I name the Toolbox method, and it's quite useful for any type of problem solving.
Click here For My Complete TOOLBOX Method. And another good method you can use to learn anything better is to make audio memos you can find and make one especially for exercise, or prayer about exercise, other things to learn while you exercise, and so on. Being able to find audio memos is far better than having a huge pile of them like I did with no way to know what they are because it's been found that an audio document is 4 or 5 times as memorable as a written audio document (whatever a written audio document is! I don't know!). This may sound like a commercial for a language course for foreigners, and this is true and "they say so!" My mother the English marm disagrees, she says audio is the same as written. I think it's better because when you go to college you learn faster with audio than just reading, I've heard that many people have learned languages on their own or in addition to college by just listening to audio con dios and boucoups of bushwah much and higher speed than by reading alone. My mother may not realize that while learning is somewhat improved by audio conversation heard, it's improved a lot more by making an audio of it and then rewinding it a few times, this is the main cause of the high res memory in college. WHY I THINK CASSETTES ARE OF MORE WORTH THAN MP3 OR AUDIO At any rate HERE IN 2009, A Link about How To outdo Higher Tech Mp3 or CD's with Low Tech Cheap Audio.



Carbohydrates to Protein in a 4/1 ratio
This has been proven to build muscle the most..

Be sure to eat protein in moderation when dieting.



Use the talk test; exercise so you can’t talk with ease, then slow down a bit till you revive, repeat. This has all the benefits of the same amount of continuous cardio workout without so much risk. Consult your physician if you have cardiovascular problems.


This is the minimum exercise needed to prevent bodily deterioration save muscle, improve your heart, bone mass, immunity and more (you can also save heat in the winter spring and fall by exercising in the AM and PM warms you up for 4 more hours a day if your heater is moderate);

At least 300 calories or 50 minutes a day of exercise like fast walking by burning energy to stop risk of obesity

At Least Twice a Week; stretch joints in complete range of motion to cleanse joints so they’re in good health

At least 5 minutes a day of cardio exercise heartbeat above 110 beats/m to maintain the health of your heart (See Above

At least 3 times a week your muscles must lift something like a sack of groceries. This works the muscles at more than half their maximum tension to maintain their power and strength. It’s not the number of lifts or length of time you lift, rather the weight you lift determines this.

To exercise both light and heavy in alternating days (not heavy all the time or more than a half hour, and 24 hours rest between heavy workouts are needed so your muscles recover and build up; without rest other than just light exercise on the second day your muscles would deteriorate not strengthen) the same hour and a half each exercise day and a half hour of the heavy is included in the hour and a half of the heavy day. This is where the worth of keeping track of what day I did what and when by the clips and watches is of worth. To know when I started the heavy exercise inside the light, another clip is used so the overall time is an hour and a half, and the half hour is also a half hour and no more, no less. SEE TIMING, EXERCISE on this post above.

The best overall plan for me has been three day cycles, a day of heavy exercise for a half hour plus the usual hour of light exercise like walking (many types of this lighter fast activity are of worth). The second day is just an hour and a half of this type of fast exercises of many genres, the third day is of rest. This method of three day cycles for a moderate exerciser with moderate fitness has three advantages, 3 days a week of fast/light and heavy exercise to stay fit, 5 days of lower power labor to lose weight, and 2 days a week of rest because moderation of worth too, and no doubt if or when my fitness is higher, one can just add more, like on one of the days of rest, and or boosting the workouts to higher levels.

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