Sunday, June 11, 2006

To Sweep or Not to Sweep

You may read about the early history of Urekas where the housewives of the early 20th century were at first reluctant to buy vacuum cleaners because they thought they were too convenient. The women of those times were feeling like exercise and were in good so they considered sweeping to be better than the luxury of these machines. I think these ladies were right for 7 reasons, I'm serious is not one of them!

Sweeping is


Safer About Risk of Electric Shock (in 10 million Lifetimes You Finally Would Be Shocked);

Better Exercise;

Better For the Ecology Using Less (No) Fossil Fuel

No Sound pollution For The Neighbors or Landlord;

Faster and More Agile to Reach under Furniture Or Other Obstructions;

Easier To Store (takes up less broom room)

To sweep my rugs and other floors I use a wide push broom type broom, cheap, just 10 dollars and no expensive vacuum cleaner bags. Of course you can't just push on rugs but if you pull on the dirt while with downward force you move it toward you it's about as high speed or more cosmic motion through the cosmos than a power cleaner of the same cost because it's wider and is more agile to reach under the couch or rug (my rug's on the roof, we have a ye old moss roof, and I never have to mow it!). It's somewhat more exercise and cleans deeper than a light broom, and about 4 times as fast than these other types of broom and costs no more. I use the light broom to sweep the smaller pile from main sweep of the push broom into the pan (a floor pan with a handle to reach you works best, once the dust is in you pick it up with one hand to the dust bin as they say in Great Britain right on shedule!). My arms would get tired with all the sweeping of the light broom, even if this isn't a problem with the push broom for me, to solve I just alternate my right and left one arm of the sweep for most of the power and then the other before they get tired, this is for a good upper body workout without fatigue.

When you must go in more confined realms (brooms are better, e.g. how would you lift the hoover over the bed with no room) or and you must use the lighter broom to finish with the dirt in the pan move the pan with the panhandle airline (they just visit the world!) nearer to one side to the dust (not the dustbowl, OH!) then sweep just to one side. If you try zeroing in from both sides in alternation since the debris radiates out you have to sweep more, if you just go from like right to left or just left to right to sweep in, the dust doesn't radiate backward to the side you sweep from, so it's more of a valve for the dirt/debris, so it cleans faster without radiance. Generally it's good to first sweep out the edges like around the furniture inward and then sweep the whole room with the push broom and then sweep the pile with the small broom into the dustpan by the funnel method from one side or the other.


I use baking soda and vinegar on a somewhat moist mop. This takes up the dander fast and easy without any more scrubbing than a rug shampooer except without the high cost they charge for the cleaner. (No doubt be sure to try any cleanser on an inconspicuous area to see if it's safe. I take no responsibility, this site is for informatinal purposes only..) I originally tried Tide detergent on a mop but this costs a lot leaves a residue and may be polluting. Vino and baking soda are better than baking soda alone because baking soda alone leaves a white powder residue and doesn't clean as well. This cleans with such worth I tend to alternate cleaning using vino and baking soda for one time and just water on the mop in alternation, saving money. To clean your rug more indepth a good trick is to use a brush like the brushes you buy with the hand held dust pan, a short durable poly hand brush, and get down on you hands and knees with the moist brush and cleanse the rug at higher resolution, this takes more indepth labor but it cleans the best of all, and you can also sweep with a moist broom a hybrid option from higher up, where you can't see like with the dust pan brush but it's faster and easier than the mop or the brush, cleaner than just the mop while easier than the hand brush in higher res.