Saturday, April 09, 2005

How To Buy DESIGNER OUTFITS For Just 2$!

That Old Epic The All New Reader's Digest says the best way to save money on clothes is just to spend more (Buy more save more I presume!). We all know about yard sales, but there is one better source for cheap clothes than Goodwill or yard sales, and that is sales, not 20% off in season, I'm talking about the 2$ designer outfits in spring and fall. Reader's Digest mentions sales but like flea markets where knowing what you're up to can make the difference between making a hundred dollars a year or hundred thousand- (I'm serious see link below) so too knowing the right kind of sales can make it so you can buy all kinds of good clothes at yard sale prices, but the store sales are better yet. You see these sales where they mark 20% off like in season, but the ruse is to buy winter clothes like long sleeve shirts at the end of winter March for instance, and short sleeve shirts and summer shoes in about September or October when the stores are often willing to unload often recently stylish clothes not at 20% off, but where they pay you the 2$ (well maybe they would if you're like up in Canada where you're so rich and air-conditioning is a luxury and they have so much.) While it's easy to buy clothes at yard sales, it's often not easy to find the clothes you want compared to this, and this is how to buy them just as cheap. It's like having a sidewalk sale that lasts for months but with designer clothes!


The seasonal sale method of buying swimwear at Christmas gives you more options but to optimise still takes a bit of saving and savvy too, this will make your values even better. Van Gough said, avoid the obvious, looking at his pictures he didn't seem to follow his own advice about his choice of bolds and old golds. What he actually was was strong and good, but not it in an obvious sort of way. So in picking outfits at the seasonal hoo has, bold beautious colors are good in moderation, but it's often also good to pick up unusual colors like off chocolate gold or somewhat off red. I've never been a red person but picking the off red makes it so it will go with more hues because off red is more flexible and not as a definite as on red. Once a month I may actually wear this red with light blue bluejeans. On red wouldn't seem to go with it or with much else, but if I always wear the same clothes three of my acts will slowly go out of style at high speed red!


The above will buy you shirts and pants, but often you have to pay more for broadway, so shows take special consideration since they cost more. To get the most for the money when buying feetwear, consider price relative to these values;

The base of the food should be so durable you can't easily make a dent in it with your fingernail or even a sharp letter opener. I like soles with designs on them for where when I'm on the trampoline or sofa or anywhere where others look up to see me. If you buy soft rubber they may last months, but tough footwear may last many years.

To easily keep my clompers clean feetwear that are not too bold are good even so to make sure they go with outfits it's good to buy them with motifs like silver string buttons that hold the laces on. Another important consideration is where they wear the most. Often once the floor contact of the feetwear is taken into consideration even so vamps wear out both but from the outside in and inside out at the wear points so it's important to consider the wear points and whether these have built and shoes guards and reinforcements at least on the outside. The three wear points that have been the ruin of many of my flip flops that seem good about this are at the rear of the foot and the most outside and inside of the front of the foot past your little toe and big toe where the foot is most broad. The best vamps will have wear guards here on the heels and inside and outside too. (Polymers are good, synthesized shoes are now often much better for durability and beauty then real cow. I bought a beautiful pair of real comy cushy sandals that lasted 14 years of summer exercise before they even showed any signs at all of wear even of the outside sole which had beauteous patterns on it.) Steel toes, insulation, and waterproofing are all good extras, all this about shoes you can get for just about $40 if you take your time and carefully consider all the features before you buy your shoes, this may take a couple of trips of the store but these shoes last years and to clean them all you have to do is to go out for a walk in the rain with the one you love, you and others, the rainstorm fits comfortably! An easy way to clean your shoes when they're waterproof is just to put them up to the sink and spray them with this prayer for a moist weather report!

The clomp is also a consideration, I've bought pac boots before that were so heavy they were worthless for walking. You may see these boots rated to a comfort rating of -100 degrees or whatever, I've never found any more warmth in any of these boots than boots without the high price! See THIS LINK FOR COMFY FEET IN WINTER.

How to Make 100- to 200,000$ a year in flea markets (no not selling in booths, renting lots of the booths in the lot for 20$ a day!) CLICK HERE.

What Are Better search engines?

the other day I was searching for the octasonal, a herb for health but it took me three hours to find it, natural octasonal I didn't find all, rather I foudn nall! When I finally found the search engine, Biz It was easy with a long list of octasonal options, on other pages there was one or less. The moral here is that all search pages are not the same. In other words finding good search pages like smaller search engines is an important method of saving lots of time. Here's a list of some fo the best pages for the use;

Epinions is another site much like Bizrate great for herbs for health.

Yahoo Answers is great for software, type in freeware for no cost. Yahoo answers is also good for any common sense search, e.g how to of house repairs ect. Often a lot better than dumb computer search engines because real people rate real problems, the best solution is at the top, and second opinions are more of worth than a doctor at 1000 an hour..

Web MD is good for health searches, like for interactions of herbs or other hot dish, (A herb is a hot dish if you don't eat the hot dish, if you eat the herb you're low fat, all radiance, because herbs have 10,000 IU of radiance so you just rise up in the heat!).

Wikipedia is good for scholarly research like science for real science well taught and for some health searches.