Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Can't Remember The Boom Box Boost? Try This..

Exercise is good for health, pleasure in living, and so on. I find that if I could just remember, my brain would be flexed more, they say bright people are more able to take care of themselves and are more resistant to many types of illness, they start out with the same physical fitness as others, so just finding a good memory aid may be what makes them fit.

On exercise days if in cold weather a clever trick I use is is, I just turn off my heat pump. Since exercise is needed to stay warm it's easy to remember. Then by just turning it up when I'm finished, I must be exercising when I'm a cyber cool-a-tron!

Another good trick to remember is to read health books and magazines, you can get free subscriptions to magazines like Energy Times.

Experts recommend moderate all day exercise, too much can cause illness. If you're at risk about cancer (and most will be) exercising too much may strain your system so with too much exercise you would be ill and more moderate exercise would save you.

...You may go through 10s of websites that say there's no herb for energy but they are now curing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome an illness of severe fatigue. If Your ENERGY IS LOW FOR EXERCISE CLICK HERE FOR HOW TO SOLVE FATIGUE using herbs that have been designed for more severe fatigue than most people for safe nonedgy energy...(Also For Better results, please be sure to read the following....) A good trick of mu own invention is to tape a poly strip by the wall clock you've marked with say, 1 to 12 down one side t and up the other with each mark for 10 minutes, and you can make your "exercise continuous" by just advancing a clip on the markers say 6 marks for an hour. Exercising an hour and a half is abstract and tiring. I would think as they find this is not like evolution where we would just exercise for 10 or 15 minutes at a time for millions of years, we are so old and wise! 10 or 20 minutes of fitness are more healthy because too much exercise floods your body with harmful compounds (taking oxygen from your brain, and you feel so good you pass out!). 10 minute workouts are easier to remember because unlike in evolution our exercise is not so much about survival so instead of being perceived as of worth for running from animals we may think it's boring.

...They say we should exercise as much as we can stay with so any real improvement in the abstraction of workouts is good for our life. It's not forced like in evolution but of value to lose weight. Find a good memory for exercise and you stay fit even so. Up to now I had exercised of necessity but to continue exercise in general is good. To drown out the abstraction and how exercise seems unnatural I would just watch TV while I'd exercise, but this is a bit forced and when I got stronger and more feel good, I often got distracted with other memos so I found myself with the marker but never filling up the hour and 15 of exercise to lose an ounce a day I'd planned. In order to achieve a goal it's often good to break it into smaller steps. By doing exercise all day by the marker/clip and watch method you can be strong, lose weight and not be tired or more importantly you can find just how long you can exercise and not be tired and then exercise at this level till you can achieve higher fitness. For example to know how much you can exercise in comfort while your muscles are becoming fit in say five days, you can exercise up to when you're uncomfortable to stop and by comparing your times for a few days you can know just when to stop for the adjustment of your muscles to fitness, called "conditioning". You might then write your results in an index so you can use it if for some reason later on you've been deconditioned and you want to restart. Finding your best option is important in computing, evolution is a computer where you can find your best bet and then improve from there, all bets have some limit somewhere between two opposite trends, hot and cold, bad and good, (rich, and 21 at Reno!) By just achieving 10 minutes at a time and then seeing how tired or energised you are at say 30 vs. 20 minutes each day you can see your best option and do somewhere between both marathons and sofa pushups via radio control. A big dose of abstraction all in an hour and a half is bad, but small doses all day may be a boost overall. If we didn't think and thinking wasn't important exercising for long hours without rest might seem good at first glance. Evolution may have been more fun. Exercising for an hour and 15 minutes into the labor you have a bright idea, you have to either stop the workout to achieve what you like or do without the thought, an hour of empty exercise about content, rather like empty calories. By exercising all day in moderate doses and keeping track this way you can have more thought power, be fit and lose fat. Exercising in a big bite was also harmful because I would afterward need two hours of rest, not so much wir there either. No wonder so many people don't exercise. Experts say to make exercise an all day activity but how to remember how much you've exercised they don't say, with no wild animals to remind us and by their way you could exercise for 10 hours or more, or 5 minutes. Using this method of how to see how much you've exercised makes it so you can be like in evolution even if no animals are chasing you. You have to remember by some other source, and this may make it easy enough for you to achieve your goals that prayer and other methods to remember may be more effective in your search for a replacement for evolution's jog. For how to make cheap prayer memos and other audio memos you won't lose you can remember, Click Here! The 10 minute method all day can be used better like at work because it's easier to find 10 minutes of exercise like for coffee break than an hour and a half.

The NY Times Health site says exercise isn't conducive to weight loss because

"Weight loss can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, but if you want to lose weight, you have to diet as well as exercise.

Exercise alone has not been shown to bring sustained weight loss. Just ask Steven Blair, an exercise researcher at the University of South Carolina. He runs every day and even runs marathons. But, he adds, “I was short, fat and bald when I started running, and I’m still short, fat and bald. Weight control is difficult for me. I fight the losing battle.”
The difficulty, Dr. Blair says, is that it’s much easier to eat 1,000 calories than to burn off 1,000 calories with exercise. As he relates, “An old football coach used to say, ‘I have all my assistants running five miles a day, but they eat 10 miles a day.’

By using the timer clip method above you balance the equation if you want to lose weight in your favor because you're making it easier to exercise like in evolution all day and reducing your exercise discomfort. I think of heavy exercise for an hour straight for most non athletes sort of like immersing your brain in too much oxygen so it can't breathe. You read about these patented formulas they have that have been devised to stop smoking to improve nutrition that turned out to be good for weight loss too because they improved the person's physiology with good actual real nutrition. So metabolism was boosted and they lost weight and now they sell the stop smoking compound for weight loss. I've only been trying this exercise plan for a week and I've already lost 4 pounds and I haven't even been exercising past a half hour of strenuous labor. Typically with earlier exercise plans I lost just 2 pounds, so this may boost my chance of weight loss. They say no doubt in research comparing aerobic walkers, and weight lifters, the aerobic walkers were far ahead in cardiovascular fitness, so I think it's worth more research to see if moderate exercise all day is substantially better for weight loss too by the clip and timer method, not just the much more unnatural and strenuous half hour or hour and a half prescribed before for fitness. In other words it's well established that moderate exercise burns calories and improves fitness and this is not a health site gimmick. So to find any method of staying fit via exercise that you can keep going may be life and waist saving. Exercise for an hour at a time seems to be like a crash diet of exercise, so strenuous the majority can't continue because like a dog needs to bark we need to think and an hour and a half of exercise plus 2 hours of rest is out of our reach. A marathon an hour may be unnatural for most. This problem may be much improved if you use small 10 minute workouts all day by the timer and clip motif. I use a poly strip taped by the timer on the wall and three clips, each has a taped on sticker, green for go start time; yellow for total time and yield of exercise (both intense and more moderate), and pink for total heavy exercise (pink is like circulation and heavy workout time is when circulation is most improved). If you have trouble remembering what each of the three colors mean add S (Start) T (total) and H (Heavy) on each with a marker. Since the heavy 10 minutes is the most stressful, by keeping separate track of starting with say 10 minutes of heavy workout inside your main exercise labor, you can then know just how many days it might take to recover from the stress if any and when to restart the same heavy exercise and how much you've improved on a reliable basis. I don't use timers like a watch because it's 10 dollars a year for batteries and the watch, and the machine breaks down while the clips cost nothing and they keep better track of exercise like cardio and heavy lifting and they're more reliable. I use a smaller pink clip inside the bigger marks with the days of the week to keep track of the last day of heavy exercise to keep track better here too.

If you can't exercise all day and like me you have a spare hour in the AM, one good trick to remember to exercise for the hour (e.g 45 minutes walking and 15 or 20 heavy exercise) if you don't have all day is by wearing just a coat wrapped around your waist by tying the arms. No shirt. This is rather like a twine around your finger yet moreso and is a good reminder to exercise, allows easy movement to exercise, no overheating when I'm exercising and reminds me to wash when I'm finished because it's easy to remove.

... If you're not interested in paying "300 ore more!" a year for cabs from the grocery store like me you may find my page about how to carry a weeks worth of food a mile even uphill with moderate discomfort, a healthy workout in favor of fitness. CLICK HERE FOR HOW I SAVED 100s ON CABS BY WALKING FOR FITNESS. I walked for a few years in pain before I found a method that is good enough to make it so the day to get the food wasn't "time spent on hold" both making me too tired to exercise right for days and reducing other works and also causing problems like this being where I'd usually win the pound I'd lost that week because of the stress. If you have any large physical stress like this if you reduce it it may improve your fitness and make you able to reach your goals about weightloss.

Click Here For More Health as Evolution.

For my complete Weight Reduction method See the list at the top of the Site, Then Go to end, Main Health Page.
Can't remember the best exercises for you?